What I Learned About Prosperous Vibrant Living from My Dog Ringo
You can never get too close to someone that you love.
Minister, Spiritual Mentor, Hypnotherapist & Author
You can never get too close to someone that you love.
Dr. Weil is a well known pioneer and leader in the field of integrative medicine–that means he focuses on the interrelationships between mind/ body/ emotions/ spirit. He is the author of many books, including the soon to be released Spontaneous … Continued
Rumi has a poem I’ve always loved. It simply says: “Outside ideas of right doing and wrong doing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there!” My dear friend Krayna Castlebaum has created a poem of the month service where … Continued
Tithing is an ancient practice that started out as a religious tax…nothing spiritual about it. But it is a way to get yourself in the flow of prosperity. Wealthy people have built fortunes using this principle. The key is the … Continued
T. Harv Eker, author of The Millionaire Mind, has a system for managing money that offers balance. He suggests you get at least six jars–seven if you’re self employed because then you have to put money away for taxes. You … Continued
I am very excited to be an affiliate with the Everything is Energy Summit. I heard about this from someone I consider to be a mentor, Mary Morrissey. The description sounded good but I wasn’t about to recommend people I … Continued
I read an article in the local paper last week about some young folks in the Mideast that decided to take peace into their own hands. They figured if regimes could be toppled through online activity, maybe peace could be … Continued
I’ve spoken with numerous people lately who have run into seeming dead ends or sharp unexpected curves as they’ve been traveling along on the River of Life. It’s so human to get the idea that we know where we’re going … Continued
Today’s blog post is a video. Check it out! [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srKO5e6K6Yg&feature=relmfu[/youtube]
The time is coming when many young adults will leave home, sailing off to the new land known as college. It is a time of great excitement but also the sorrow of leave-taking and the loss of the familiar. I … Continued