For a long time I have known that I have strong mother energy. I have been acquiring bonus daughters and occasionally a son for at least as long as I’ve had children. I can be counted on for nurturing, encouragement, cheerleading, mentoring and an occasional verbal butt kicking if you’re hiding your light.
When I decided to write another book, I had lots of stray ideas that hadn’t gelled into one concept. I asked myself what gift I wanted to give with my book and the idea of love letters from the Mother popped into my mind. I know how often those who think of me as their mom have called me needing to hear words of encouragement or empathy. As a minister and a hypnotherapist, I also know too many people who don’t have that mother to call. Whether she’s passed on or just doesn’t have the right temperament, there is an empty space where a mother could make a difference. So that’s the intention of this book. I hope you will pick it up when you need the Mother. Open the pages at random, trusting that you are so connected, always, to the Mother, that you will just “happen” upon the perfect message. It’s an exercise in calling home—calling you home to your truest self.
A letter from the book:
Gentle Souls,
This book is for you. I want you to know how much I love you. I am the Mother. I am your Mother. I am the substance from which you emerge, the love that designed and enfolds you. You have a mother in this life from whom your body emerged. You have had mothers through the years who have nurtured and guided you. Some of the mothers who raised you have done so beautifully. Some, who desperately needed a mother themselves or who limped through life with other mortal wounds, were unable to show you the love you needed and deserved. Your souls had their own mysterious reasons for choosing such mothers. As little children, you may have assumed this lack was your fault. It never was. If you have not already realized that, I hope this book may help you set aside any belief that some deficiency in you limits your worthiness. This is my love letter to you. You are the child of my heart, the form of my substance, my gift to the world. I love you beyond all time and reason. Turn to me when you need a mother to remind you how perfect you are, when you need a mother to enfold you and comfort you, when you need a mother to celebrate and encourage you. I am always here for you. I am as close as thought. I am breathing you, loving you, guiding you always.
Your devoted champion,
The Mother
“Beautiful and important words we all need to read and believe. This book is a profound gift the world needs to have access to.”
Sheila Mawdsley, Illuminated Path Coaching